Frankie Archer ·OKC Studio Newborn·


Hello Dears!

Streeeetch! I don't know about you, but I am finally ready to tackle 2018 (only a month behind)!  Lots of exciting things are happening over here, but I'm sure you read all about that in the newsletter.  Wait...what did you say?  You didn't get the newsletter?  Well, we definitely have to take care of that!  Click here to sign up and receive the latest edition. You'll also want to read this whole post (like you weren't already) because there's a surprise at the end!

psst...there may or may not be a discount special for newsletter subscribers so sign up now before you miss it!

Whew!  Now that we've got that squared away let's turn our attention to Baby Archer and his wonderful family.  I first met Bethanie and Eric during now big sister Caroline's newborn session back in 2015.  I've loved watching Caroline grow and change over these past 2 years and I was absolutely thrilled that I now get to experience that with Archer as well!  We did Caroline's newborn session at Bethanie and Eric's home in Edmond, but we were unable to do the session in their home this time because they are in the process of building a GORGEOUS home in Choctaw.  They still wanted to have a lifestyle session and fortunately I am able to do that in the studio, so they still got the look and feel they desired for these precious memories.  

Archer has everyone is his family absolutely smitten, including his big sister.  Her favorite thing to do right now is press her cheek against his tiny face, which is so adorable. And what parent doesn't love that precious show of affection smack dab in the middle of flu season, amiright? 😂

Most photography sessions that involve newborns or young children can be very unpredictable but you know what? That's life!  I know that it makes parents nervous or anxious when their children can't stop sticking their tongues out or running around.  Heck, I even feel that way when we have family portraits done with our son! me when I say that's when the real magic happens.  Tickles, silly faces, and belly laughs are the things I live for and, despite how chaotic it might seem, those moments are so beautiful and you will cherish them forever.

You made it! Woo!

This is the part I'm SUPER excited about! We are now offering "home movies" as an add-on option to any session! Squeee! I secretly shot video during this session and surprised Bethanie with this film at her portrait viewing. After the few I've made for clients so far, it's safe to say I'm in love! My little man turns 4 soon (wut) and I can't wait to do a fun interview with him so I can always remember how silly and sweet he is right now. It will pair nicely with some wine and a full box of tissues because howismybabygrowingupsofastidontwanttoforgetanyofit.

If you're interested in planning your own home movie, contact us for more info!

Thanks for stopping by!