Baby Hayden ·6 Month Lifestyle Session·


Hello Dears!

You might recognize this face, but he's changed quite a bit since the last time you saw him. Mr. Hayden is now a whole 9 months old! His parents Karina and Craig opted to do his 6 month milestone session at home just like his newborn session last year and I couldn't have been more excited. Lifestyle photography in the home allows people to capture precious moments that normally fly by and exist only in memory. Six months may not seem like a long time but homes continually undergo major transformations as baby grows. Bouncy seats are replaced with high chairs, little plates and sippy cups join the bottles in the cabinets.  Gates appear in the doorways and covers adorn each outlet.


Life with babies can be chaotic, but it's also beautiful. Just look at how Hayden looks at his daddy while he and his mom are cuddling on the couch. You can scroll I'll wait... Am I right? I mean, come on! The amount of love and contentment in those eyes is absolutely immeasurable. 

In home sessions also allow for a higher level of spontaneity. Karina mentioned while I was there that she wanted to get pictures done in the bathtub sometime because he was such a water baby and loved bath time. I said, "Why not now?" so we ended the session with him in the tub! 

I'm so excited to share this session with you all, because it's truly one of my favorites!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Little Miss Lily ·6 Month Lifestyle Portraits·


Hello Dears!

I'm so excited to share this session with you! When Jimmy contacted me, he mentioned that he wanted pictures that really captured the natural essence of his family's personality, not the traditional posed portraits. It was also a 6-month milestone for sweet Lily, so the timing couldn't have been more perfect! We decided on a lifestyle session, because those are so great for little ones, and are perfect for getting those real moments.

We took the pictures in Jimmy and Tommy's beautiful home in the historic Lincoln Terrace in Oklahoma City. I was straight gleeful when I saw what a wonderful job Jimmy did when it came to decorating their historic home. He is the owner of the newly opened Interior Gilt on 23rd St, so I'm not the least bit surprised! Their home was so much fun to shoot in because I was able to play around more than usual.

Picking a favorite from this session is nearly impossible, but I do love the photo of everyone walking down the stairs. Sure, it's not the most traditional, and yeah maybe you can't see everyone's faces. But I love the movement and realness that it captures (while showing off that AMAZING staircase!). I also adore the image of Lily's dads dressing her. It made me picture them buttoning her wedding dress someday, and of course I got a little weepy just thinking about it!

So often the small moments can get lost among the big ones. I hope these photos help Jimmy and Tommy hold onto these precious memories as long as possible. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Baby Cooper is 9 Months Old! What a Hoot!


Hello dears!

I absolutely love my baby plan families, because nothing is sweeter than watching little ones learn their way in the world.  Mister Cooper is 9 months, and since our last visit he has learned to sit up on his own, and how to hold onto things to stand!  He thinks bubbles and his dog Caesar are pretty hilarious, and I can't say I disagree.  We also took a little time for him to read his favorite book, "Hoot!"

Couldn't you just gobble up those tiny baby toes???  Happy 9 months, baby Cooper!

Thanks for stopping by!