Baby Lilliana ·Fresh 48·


Hello Dears!

One of the most exciting aspects about working with newborns is the unpredictability.  As desperately as we humans crave stability, newborns absolutely do not follow any sort of schedule...especially when it comes to their arrival!  We had been in contact with Charisa and Jeremy for a little while when Charisa emailed late one evening (thank goodness for smartphones!) and said that Lilliana had made her surprise debut that day...just a few days before her scheduled induction!

There is something that is just so special about Fresh 48 sessions.  The fuzzy just born hair, their bright pink skin and inquisitive eyes.  Everything is just so NEW.  One thing about Lilly that was not new was her hand sucking abilities.  She was constantly seen in her ultrasounds self soothing with her hands and fingers.  Charisa mentioned that thumb sucking ran in the family so it was no surprise that her first few hours of life were spent trying to locate that precious thumb.

While I was there, Lilly got a visit from her pediatrician and her footprints were recorded for her birth certificate. Lilly also received her first bath during the session and was not happy AT ALL about laying on her back.  Once her nurse flipped her over onto her tummy and supported her with her arm, she was as happy as a clam! 

Charisa and Jeremy are stationed here with the military and their families both live out of state.  They video chatted with both of their mothers during the session and I loved capturing the precious moment of Lilly's grandmothers seeing her for the very first time. 

I love Fresh 48 sessions because of all the "firsts" I get to capture, and this one was chock full of them. Stay tuned for Lilliana's lifestyle studio newborn session, coming soon!


Thanks for stopping by!

Baby Hudson ·Documentary Newborn Photography·


Hello Dears!

We can't talk about anything until we talk about that smile. I mean come ON. Baby Hudson definitely nailed the grin game during his in-home session. It's always so much fun when I get to catch newborns smiling. I don't care if it was gas, I'll take it! 

When I walked into Ashley and Mark's home and a winter episode of Gilmore Girls was playing on the tv, I knew I was in good company! Yes.please. Not to mention everything about the home was absolutely stunning. I had to keep my admiration under control. The lighting was super dreamy and baby Hudson was super cozy the whole time--what more can a gal ask for? A sleepy, smiley baby. Pretty lighting. Gilmore Girls. I'm good for the day, friends.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sweet Olivia ·Lifestyle Newborn Photography·


Hello dears!

I'm so excited to share this session with you, as it happens to be one of my favorite newborn sessions ever.  Olivia's mom contacted me about a month before her due date to discuss newborn photos and after my initial response, I didn't hear anything for a while.  I didn't think anything of it, because time seriously flies in those last few weeks of pregnancy.  As it turns out, Jessica went into labor not long after she contacted me!  (Seriously, what's with all these early babies this year??)

I was a little worried that we might not get some of the sleepy newborn shots because Olivia was 3 weeks at her session, but she sure did prove me wrong.  She was a little wide-eyed at first, but after a belly full of milk and some good swaddles, she slept like a champ through the rest of her session!

Jessica and Brad's home was the perfect setting for their portraits.  Even though a mini monsoon blew through while we were shooting, you'd never know it because their home had  Calling dream house, party of one!  We were even able to catch a little sunshine towards the end of my time there, which allowed us to take advantage of some seriously gorgeous wildflowers in their backyard.

Now, onto the good stuff....

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